Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 5 questions!

What Social Media do you use regularly?

The Social Media that I regularly use is Facebook, as I connect with a lot of family and friends overseas and to me it is the easiest way to connect. I also use Instagram, simply because I love photography. Its also a good way for me to keep up with what my friends and family from overseas are doing and how they are changing over time. Out of everything, these are the two main sources of Social Media that I use. 

What do you get out of Social Media? Is it a waste of time? Is it a good way to keep in touch?

As I was saying above, I mainly use Social Media to keep in touch with people overseas and also people from high-school etc. Though I do use it almost every day, its not so much a waste of time, rather a distraction or a tool for procrastination. 

How many of your online friends would you see in a week? A month? All year?

Seeing as I mainly talk to people overseas online I don't see them very often at all. I still have all my school friends on things like Facebook and Instagram - so I see them occasionally but not all the time. 

Do you have any off-line friends that you don't connect with online?

I have a few friends that are anti-internet, so there are a few that I occasionally catch up with and connect with via other sources. 

Have you bought anything on the net? On social Media? What is the difference? 

Yes I have bought things on the net, not so much Social Media. I have heard of different products on Social Media's and then bought them on the net. Doing shopping online is so much more convenient for me. Between uni and family etc, I don't usually have enough time to go out to the shops to get what I need. So it's so much easier just hop on the net and order it. 

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